Cook County Judges

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Judge Colleen A. Hyland Arrogant Temper-Tantrum

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Update:  Charges against Shelton on both the trespass charge and the battery of  Ofc. Stanislavski have been dropped (nolle prosequi) by the State’s Attorney.  Apparently they don’t want it to become  public record that the judges are incompetent, arrogant, idiots and malicious who violate the law with impunity, or that the officers, as a matter of practice and custom, violated the law and the arrests were bogus, unlawful, unconstitutional and malicious in nature.

On October 21, Dr. Shelton went for a first appearance on an unlawful arrest for trespass to real property (720 ILCS 5/21-3(a)(2)) before Judge Colleen A. Hyland. Dr. Shelton stated to Judge Hyland she would represent herself and had successfully done so more than 24 times, including winning mandamus and injunctive actions against the State of Illinois (represented by AG Lisa Madigan) and against the Cook County Sheriff (represented by SA Richard Divine).  Dr. Shelton said she was representing herself in federal court in civil rights suits against several judges, police, and Lisa Madigan, and was quite knowledgeable  about the law.  Judge Hyland appeared perturbed about this statement, but stated she would let Dr. Shelton represent herself. Judges often are irrational concerning pro se defendants, assuming they are nuts (despite the fact they win cases as often as attorneys) having an unconscious bias that colors their actions with these defendants, called confirmatory bias.

Dr. Shelton stated she would demand a jury trial.  Then Judge Hyland proceeded to appropriately as required by law admonish Dr. Shelton that pro se counsel were expected to know the same things as an attorney and would be held to the standards of an attorney. Judge Hyland then stated to Dr. Shelton that trespass to real property was a class A misdemeanor.

Generally defendants may not talk in court and are represented by an attorney. The attorneys speak up if the judge mis-states a matter of law or fact and generally provide the judge information about details of the law from the statutes.

Courtroom deputies quickly and rudely tell the defendants to shut up if they attempt to ask questions and judges tell the defendants they cannot speak and must let their attorney speak up. They need to be taught to be more polite and less nasty.

However, Dr. Shelton represents herself (pro se). Those representing themselves are “pro se counsel” and have the same right to speak up and be heard in court as an attorney.

Judges and courtroom deputies are used to being nasty to defendants and biased against defendants, who try to ask a question or speak up in court, often have a hard time conducting themselves properly and letting the pro se defendant speak up as is appropriate. Afterall, they represent themselves. The judge or courtroom deputy will often inappropriately tell the pro se defendant to “shut up” or even assault the defendant and grab them, while yelling at them, in order to threaten them into not talking. Courtroom deputies, who are quite ignorant of the law and pro se counsel rights, assume the defendants are guilty and are taught to treat defendants with total disrespect as scumbags to be beaten and verbally abused, despite the Constitution guaranteeing that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty and despite the fact that abuse of a defendant is unconstitutional. Judges have inadequate training concerning pro se counsel and often use knee-jerk and inappropriate, often unconstitutional, statements against pro se counsel rights, to cover-up their ignorance.

Dr. Shelton politely spoke up, as pro se counsel, and told Judge Hyland that trespass to real property is a class B misdemeanor.  Judge Hyland in an arrogant, nasty, and inappropriate manner quickly yelled at Dr. Shelton, that she was the judge and what she said was right and it was contempt for Dr. Shelton to speak up and that if she spoke up again she would jail her for contempt.

This is a typical example of judicial misconduct in Cook County courtrooms.  Contempt is when someone in court purposely disrupts the courtroom, insults the judge, or becomes violent in the courtroom bringing the proceedings into disrepute. Telling the judge she legally mis-spoke is clearly NOT contempt.

Dr. Shelton politely spoke up and said “Judge please read the statute book.” Judge Hyland then had a temper-tantrum and told the deputies to remove Dr. Shelton from the courtroom, that if Dr. Shelton said another word, she would hold her in contempt,  and she would recall the case later.

Dr. Shelton left the courtroom, went to the court library and Xeroxed a copy of the statute that says trespass to real property is a class B misdemeanor.

When the case was recalled, Dr. Shelton immediately held up the paper and stated: “Judge here is a copy of the statute. You were wrong. I was right. It is a class B misdemeanor. You owe me an apology for your inappropriate conduct. Under the circumstances, I am compelled to ask for substitution of judge as a right”. Shelton feared that since Judge Hyland was clearly ignorant, incompetent, arrogant, rude, and biased against her as pro se counsel,  so she decided she should use her right to substitute a judge, which cannot be questioned by law. Judge Hyland arrogantly stated: “I don’t apologize to anyone in my courtroom.” Her demeanor was that of a bitchy witch.

Deputy M. Norris, badge 10425, then forcefully grabbed Dr. Shelton by the right arm and yelled at her to “shut up” and “listen to the judge”. This was clearly an assault and battery of Dr. Shelton by Deputy Norris. Dr. Shelton loudly spoke up and staring Norris in the face stated: “Stop assaulting me, I have the right to speak as pro se counsel.”

Judge Hyland then started viciously orally defaming Dr. Shelton making false statements that Dr. Shelton’s conduct was inappropriate and she had to be kicked out of the courtroom. Many deputies started surrounding Dr. Shelton in a very threatening assault on her with Deputy Walter R Stanislavski, badge 10395, placing himself right in front of Dr. Shelton’s walker, actually pushing up against it. Dr. Shelton said she did not appreciate the officers threatening her and she was going to press charges against Deputy Norris for assault.

Dr. Shelton said to the judge, here let me give you a copy of the statute to prove what I am saying. Then Deputy Walter R. Stanislavski nudged up against Dr. Shelton’s walker and stated falsely: “you bumped me”, while looking at Deputy Norris and also stating “if you say she [Deputy Norris] assaulted you, then I’ll charge you with battery.”

Dr. Shelton then stated as attorneys generally do when there is a disagreement with a judge’s ruling and they want their objection on the record: “I wish to make a record,” which means she wishes to make a statement on the record so it is recorded by the court reporter. Shelton then began to state that Judge Hyland was acting with misconduct in abusing her with inappropriate threats and failing to acknowledge she made a mistake about the law, as well as that Judge Hyland made false statements on the record about Shelton’s conduct. That Shelton’s conduct was completely appropriate for a pro se counsel.

Judge Hyland ordered the court reporter not to record these statements which is an agregious act of judicial misconduct and ordered Shelton out of the courtroom. Shelton protested and said this was inappropriate conduct and she had a legal right to make a record.

The prosecutor then asked for special conditions of bond stating she was not to go on the property of the Kaminski family or talk or contact  Jeryl, Keith, or Donny Kaminski at 2829 w 98th Street in Evergreen Park. She also stated that Dr. Shelton was not to contact her son, Thomas Shelton who had become estranged from the family and moved in with the Kaminski family – he had coerced his senile grandfather to sign a rental agreement on an apartment, vacated the apartment without paying his bill and writer was trying to deliver the notice of a suit against his grandfather (her father) and the bill to him at this address. Of note, Dr. Shelton has NEVER met or spoken to Jeryl or Keith Kaminski and has not spoken to Donny Kaminski for at least 3 years. Donny used to come visit Tom at the Shelton’s condo and Tom at that time was hanging out with Donny and other “friends”. The purpose of this special condition is therefore unknown and simply must be a purposeful attempt to harass Dr. Shelton and defame her character. There is now no case and therefore no prohibition of going to this property again.

Finally, Judge Hyland agreed to transfer the case to another judge, trying to save face and not admit her mistake and misconduct, she said she was transferring the case to the “jury room” with a different judge.

Dr. Shelton’s son is in need of psychological counseling on due to extreme stresses and instability during childhood of death, illness, defamation, exposure to fumes in an environmental accident, sudden loss of home several times, abuse by a teacher at a young age, abandonment by his father a disturbed Vietnam era veteran, witnessing the results of his mother physically callapsing in near-death experiences in front of him several times or her sudden hospitalization for congenital illness, witnessing the poor and battered physical condition of his mother after abuse by police, and the deterioration of his grandfather. Tom suffers from passive- aggressive personality traits, chronic depression, low self-esteem, and is easily manipulated by others. He has a brilliant analytic mind and knowledge beyond his years, an endearing personality with patience, but great irrational fears and some difficulty with coping skills due to the incredible stresses he has been under for a decade despite his mother’s and grandfather’s best efforts to protect him, provide him a stable, loving environment, and attempts to find male mentors.

Donny Kaminski is a con artist who was kicked out of Evergreen Park high school for manipulating the high school computers. Donny then refused to work or get a high school equivalency degree for the next at least 3-4 years, mooching off his parents. He tried to attach himself to others and take advantage of others’ talents. For example he hung around with musician Ben Huenecke and said that he could handle the sound system for the band. Ben has broken up with Donny.

Tom during this time was taught by his “friends” and I presume Donny to lie to his grandfather and essentially extort money from his grandfather to use to chauffeur his “friends” around, buy them meals, and to Dr. Shelton’s dismay have an underage drunken party with his friends at their condo on Halloween 2006, when whe was not home. These “friends”, Ben Huenecke, Chris Pomorski, Kyle Corbin, Tim Madsen, Donny Kaminski, and other unknown persons have allowed Tom to continue this misconduct and hide it from his mother for a long time. All the “friends” have cut off their relationship with Tom per rumor due to his inappropriate behaviors and untrustworthiness due to psychological issues related to his fears and lying, except for Donny and Tim who have engaged in other allegedly illegal activities.

Dr. Shelton had told Tom that when he was 18 (he is now 24 and was 19 at the time of this misconduct before he estranged himself from his mother for the past five years) he had to either have a job or go to school in order to remain living in her household. Dr. Shelton told Tom he had to show responsibility and concern for his family as an adult.  Tom chose instead to try to mooch off his grandfather with lies, dropped his college courses so that he no longer qualified for student aid and refused to get a job even part time for a few hours, ended up extorting money from is grandfather, and he has also stolen his mother’s retirement money and lied to the police to get rid of her. He needed counseling and support from school staff and simply didn’t get it. He took out all his anger and frustration about his bad luck while growing out on his mother, rebelling against her and blaming her for every stressful event. He participated in some counseling arranged by his mother as a teenager, but cut it off as he became an adult. The counseling staff at Roosevelt University and Moraine Valley Junior College have refused to discuss this with writer because Tom is an adult. They have refused to mediate a meeting between mother and son. Tom has pulled the wool over their eyes and those of others with his lies about his mother.

As a result, when Dr. Shelton discovered Tom was extorting money from his grandfather, lying, dropping courses, and manipulating, she kicked him out of her condo in November 2006 and told him to go live with his friends, get a job, and find a place of his own. She told him that as a good mother she had to take this heart wrenching action in order to force Tom to be responsible, that she loved him, and that she would help him in any way she could if he would just get a job or go to school, stop lying and manipulating his grandfather, and get mental health counseling to deal with the decade of stress.  Like enabling a drunk, if a family member condones a young adult’s poor choices and  misconduct they can not progress and get succeed well.

Tom, then with the help of his “friends”, and Dr. Shelton suspects primarily Donny Kaminski, when Dr. Shelton was not home, broke into Dr. Shelton’s condo, changed the locks including dead bolt and door knob, stole several items, and then Tom went to the Verizon store and in an act of ID theft told the representative that he had his mother’s permission to change the contract, terminate the family plan early, take his cell phone off the contract and open a new contract with a different company. He illegally and without Dr. Shelton’s permission used her social security number. Dr. Shelton’s Verizon bill then revealed a several hundred dollar early termination fee. Dr. Shelton had to hire a locksmith to get into her own home and change the lock again.

Tom then disappeared and refused to reveal where he was living or what he was doing for most of the next three years. During that time he several times when Dr. Shelton, who had moved in with her severely ill and disabled father to care for him, when Dr. Shelton was not home, came to his grandfather and again lied to him demanding money. Grandfather gave Tom money fearing if he didn’t he would lose his love.  This is abuse of an elder and extortion as the grandfather is very vulnerable. The grandfather even co-signed as guarantor of an apartment Tom rented for $1000 without even having a roommate. Tom’s mother had urged Tom to go to school and live in a dormitory with people his age to learn to socialize better. Tom’s tendency to isolate himself is not healthy.

Dr. Shelton then discovered that Tom was shacking up with a woman 15 years his senior, Mia Palmer. Dr. Shelton suspected Mia was taking advantage of Tom’s tendency to generosity and his grandfather’s money. Dr. Shelton also discovered Tom had obtained a part-time job at White Sox Park selling T-shirts but was fired because he was such an “a**” according to his friend and his boss.

Dr. Shelton then found Tom and confronted him and told him his grandfather would only pay bills directly to school or for food or rent or utilities if Tom gave them the bills and he would not get any more cash. One of the conditions was that Tom must obtain mental health counseling to deal with his irrational fears and the decade of unusual stresses.

Tom never made good on this promise so grandfather and Dr. Shelton informed Tom the rent would no longer be paid after June 2009. The grandfather felt so stressed by Tom that he instructed Dr. Shelton to handle all of Tom’s requests for money.

Without telling his grandfather or mother, Tom moved out of the apartment and in with the Kaminski family. Tom failed to forward the bills for cleaning out the apartment from the apartment owner to his grandfather and Tom failed to pay the several hundred dollar bill.

Tom’s grandfather received a collection notice for this unpaid bill on October 1, 2009. Dr. Shelton called the apartment owner and obtained Tom’s forwarding address – the Kaminski home. Tom’s grandfather is very ill and becoming more so. Dr. Shelton is worried that her father’s life is fading much more quickly now. Tom’s grandfather had taken them in when Tom’s father, a mentally ill Vietnam veteran had abandoned them and Tom was a year old. Tom’s grandfather has been acting as his father as best he could. Dr. Shelton has seen her father go into great despair over Tom’s acts and disregard for his grandfather.

Dr. Shelton went to the Kaminski home on October 2, 2009 and knocked on the door to try to speak to Tom, plead with him to have the respect and concern for his grandfather to at least come and tell him he loved him and wish him well, and to tell him to please get some mental health treatment and that not telling his grandfather about the bill was inappropriate.  She was hoping he would accept a little guidance.  No one answered the door and Dr. Shelton, feeling in great despair, disabled and weak, briefly collapsed onto a chair on the Kaminski porch crying and then left.

On October 3, 2009 Dr. Shelton again attempted to contact Tom at the Kaminski house by knocking at the door. Again no one answered. Dr. Shelton noticed a neighbor and asked walked over and asked if they knew when the Kaminskis would be home. The neighbor said she didn’t know because the Kaminski family was “very secretive”.

Then Dr. Shelton briefly walked up the Kaminski driveway to see if Tom was in the backyard, but no one was there. She went to her car to write a note to leave for Tom at the door.

Then Evergreen Police came and arrested Dr. Shelton for trespass stating that Donny Kaminski had told Dr. Shelton not to come on the property – a total lie as Dr. Shelton had not spoken or seen Donny for years.  Dr. Shelton protested and the officer said that Donny had come to the police station the night before and made a complaint against her for trespass.

Dr. Shelton pleaded with the police to ask the Kaminski parents, Jeryl and Keith to come out and speak with her because she was so concerned about her son’s mental health and his relationship with his grandfather. She had never spoken to them and wanted to inform them of the situation. The police stated they spoke with them and the Kaminskis refused to have the common decency to even speak with Dr. Shelton. One has to question the decency of a family who interferes with and refuses to help another family remain intact.

In response to Dr. Shelton stating that Donny never told her to not come on the property and that the day before was the first time that she had ever knocked on the door, and that no one answered so it could not be trespass, as simply ringing a doorbell is not trespass, the officer said that a detective had called Dr. Shelton and spoke to her the night before and said not to come on the property. Dr. Shelton protested and said she received no such phone call. Then the officer said, “well he left a message on your answering machine.”  Dr. Shelton said this was impossible because her answering machine was full and she had not deleted messages for days. Dr. Shelton later obtained documents that prove the police called the wrong Linda Shelton, as there are several in the Chicago area. This other Linda Shelton told the police that she did not have a son named Thomas and was not at that property, and wondered how the police got her number. A subpoena of the Evergreen Park Police phone records of the telephone number they called when contacting this other “Linda Shelton” will prove how incompetent they are and abusive of Dr. Shelton they were.

Then the the Evergreen Park Police unlawfully arrested Dr. Shelton for trespass. It is unlawful because she was never told by the property owner or occupant not to come on the property at 2829 W. 98th St. in Evergreen Park. Simply ringing a doorbell is not criminal trespass.

Dr. Shelton immediately hired a private detective who examined her cell phone and will testify there were no messages form the police and that it had been full for days, so clearly the Evergreen Park police lied. This arrest is fraud upon the court by Donny Kaminski and the Evergreen Park Police, besides incredible incompetence and stupidity of the Evergreen Park Police.

Dr. Shelton is very concerned about her son, particularly worried that he has become trained by Donny and others to commit fraud, deceit, and extortion.  Tom last year made a fraudulent elder abuse report stating that Dr. Shelton was extorting money from her father and verbally abusing him. This was investigated and found to be “unfounded”. The grandfather has a substantial retirement account or estate, but it is all needed to care for him and for other members of the family with catastrophic illness, including Toms’ uncle and aunt. The family is plagued by catastrophic illness. Dr. Shelton is trying to help her father manage it well to preserve the funds as long as possible. Tom apparently is trying to defame and discredit his mother so he can take control of his grandfather’s money.

Tom has now filed a false complaint for order of protection against his mother, falsely stating she is mentally ill, violent, abused him as a child, and is threatening him. Dr. Shelton’s doctors, neighbors, friends and family will testify this is false. Dr. Shelton will subpoena Tom’s “friends” if necessary. Dr. Shelton had Tom in counseling with professionals since the age of 15 to about 17, but Tom was only partially cooperative. These psychiatrists and psychologists will testify that there was never any history of family violence or abuse of Tom. These false statements by Tom are again criminal fraud upon the court.  Dr. Shelton is praying that the court and Tom’s “friends” will open their eyes and force Tom into counseling and supervision to treat his mental state. Dr. Shelton is praying that the Kaminski parents will open their eyes to the fact they are being manipulated and praying that the Kaminski parents, Jeryl and Keith, are not crooks who are using Tom.

Dr. Shelton is extremely saddened and in despair over the failure of his “friends”, Jeryl and Keith Kaminski, and the court to help Tom and she fears Tom is headed for a life of committing manipulation and fraud which can only lead to prison. Tom is a very intelligent and endearing man with great potential for success in life, if he will let others help him.  Dr. Shelton fears that the Kaminski family are either suckers under the influence of their son who clearly has a history of cunning manipulation and fraud, or they are some kind of criminals who have taken Tom in to assist in their illegal activities. The unethical conduct of the Kaminski family in abusing Dr. Shelton and Tom’s grandfather by refusing to talk to them is incredible. If they believe they are “helping” Tom, they are sorely mistaken. They are harming him.

After being told that there were special conditions of bond that she could not contact her son, Dr. Shelton became very despondent and tried to re-enter the courtroom, crying that she wanted clarification to know if she could inform Tom when his grandfather died or if this would be a violation of the order. She is despondent over the fact that her father is being so mentally stressed and abused by her son, and that Tom’s conduct is 180 degrees opposite to the family values of honesty and empathy that she had tried so hard to teach to him. [UPDATE – Dr. Shelton’s father, Tom’s grandfather was seen by a doctor today 10/25 due to sudden deterioration and plans are being made for increased medical assistance and assistance as Dr. Shelton is too weak and now exhausted to have sole responsibility to physically help her father – his illness is untreatable and advanced]

Dr. Shelton is barred from contacting Tom or asking anyone to contact him about this situation. She is barred from telling Tom when his grandfather dies or is placed in a hospital. Judge Hyland – YOU ARE AN IGNORANT, IMMORAL, WITCH! YOU DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT AN OLD MAN WHO CARED FOR AND LOVED HIS GRANDSON; A GRANDSON WHO IS IN GREAT NEED OF MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING! YOU SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE BENCH.

The deputies blocked her entrance into the courtroom even though as pro se counsel she had the legal right to recall the case for clarification. They then grabbed her and dragged her off under arrest for “battery” using the fabricated charge against her.

Dr. Shelton tried to ask persons sitting in the courtroom gallery and a lawyer if they would give her their names as witnesses to this police and judicial misconduct, but they all stood back and refused to assist a fellow citizen under attack by the corrupt. Evil prospers when good men fail to act. This is a sad state of affairs. This is why our State and County is so rife with corruption. The people in the gallery, the attorneys present, the prosecutors, Judge Hyland, and the deputies present know what is said here is the absolute truth.

Dr. Shelton is requesting that any one who has knowledge about the Kaminski family or her son in the past three years please contact her, especially if you are able to testify as to Tom’s behavior and any fraud perpetrated by Tom or Donny Kaminski. She would also appreciate donations to her legal defense fund at:  Shelton defense fund, C/O Albukerk and Associates, 3025 W 26th Street, Chicago, IL 60625. Dr. Shelton is disabled, on food stamps, and hoping for a little humanity, justice, and fairness to surface. She loves her son and is frantic with worry about him to the point it is effecting her health.

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  1. This post is seemingly referenced by Jim McElhaney’s article:



    May 2, 2011 at 12:02 pm

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